These whimsical structures, known as Futuro houses, were designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen. Resembling flying saucers, the pre-fabricated plastic pods were originally built […]
Alabama Ghost Town: Old Cahawba
Cahawba, once the state capital of Alabama (1819-1826) and a thriving antebellum river town, became a ghost town by the early 1900s. After Alabama became […]
Lost America – Gilded Age Saratoga Springs Queen Anne Mansion
Lost America – Stoneleigh was a summer house built by H.S. Leech in Saratoga Springs, New York, around 1886 when the town was a booming […]
Gilded Age Potter Palmer Mansion
So many Gilded Age mansions have gone the way of the wrecking ball. The Potter Palmer Mansion was no exception. Born in 1826 in Albany […]