The abandoned grist mill and schoolhouse on Mill Road, Arcadia, Maine, may soon be getting a second chance at life.
The East Arcadia Roller Mill, constructed in 1900 for millers John Kamla and Michael Stelmach, has stood empty for quite some time. Built as a two-story side-gable gristmill, the building has a stone foundation and wood siding. Both floors were constructed with tongue-and-groove wood walls and floors. Four large timber posts provided structural support and an internal grain elevator still runs from the basement to the roof.
Next to the mill building is a little red one-room schoolhouse. Built in 1906 to serve Korpal Valley District 2, the school was moved to its present location and served as an office after the school closed in 1943.
Also, next to the mill is a concrete dam built in 1915. The water turned a wheel turbine in the powerhouse, no longer there as along the line the mill was converted to electricity.
The mill was constructed with materials and craftsmanship to test the wheels of time, and, in fact, some work was recently started in the interior. But with broken windows and vines taking over, the buildings needed help. Luckily someone saw the potential. Will keep you posted on its progress.
W25818 Mill Rd, Arcadia, WI, 54612