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Here it is! It is the former First Baptist Church and is ready for the next chapter. This piece of history offers a commanding presence along Market Street and with some attention will be absolutely captivating. See more pics here.


The Bethany Lutheran Church was originally founded in 1879 as the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church. In 2019, the church steeples were restored and repaired. See more pictures here.

Originally a Methodist church, this historic building was most recently home to the Lewiston Civic Theatre. The building boasts a number of remarkable features, including a fusion of basalt foundation and sandstone walls, which lend it a unique aesthetic appeal. Built in 1906. See more pictures here.


There can be various reasons why churches are abandoned.

Declining Congregations

In some cases, churches become abandoned due to a decline in the number of people attending religious services. This can occur when the local population decreases, shifts to a different area, or experiences changes in religious affiliations or beliefs.

Changing Demographic

Shifting demographics can also contribute to the abandonment of churches. If a neighborhood or community undergoes significant demographic changes, such as urbanization, suburbanization, or migration patterns, the demand for religious services may diminish, leading to the closure and abandonment of churches.

Maintenance Costs

Maintaining a church building can be expensive, especially for older structures. As congregations shrink or financial resources become limited, it can be challenging to cover the costs of repairs, renovations, and ongoing maintenance. In such cases, churches may be left vacant due to the inability to fund the necessary upkeep.

Consolidation and Merger

In some instances, multiple churches in close proximity may merge or consolidate into a single congregation, resulting in the closure and abandonment of the remaining church buildings. This approach is often taken to optimize resources and better serve the community.

Changes in Religious Practice

Societal shifts in religious practices and beliefs can also impact the utilization of church buildings. As religious preferences and rituals evolve, certain denominations or religious groups may no longer require dedicated physical spaces for worship. This can lead to the abandonment of churches as they become obsolete for contemporary religious practices.

Demolition or Repurposing

In certain cases, abandoned churches may be demolished or repurposed for other uses. This could be due to urban development plans, the need for alternative infrastructure, or the desire to repurpose the building for secular purposes such as community centers, art galleries, or commercial spaces.