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The Haunted Caldwell Parsonage House, located in Union, New Jersey, is a historic building with a rich history and a reputation for hauntings. Here’s a brief overview of its history and the reported hauntings associated with it.




The Caldwell Parsonage House was built in 1782 and served as the residence for Reverend James Caldwell and his family. Reverend Caldwell was an influential figure during the American Revolutionary War and played a significant role in the fight for independence. The house was also used as a military headquarters and a makeshift hospital during the war.

The parsonage remained in the Caldwell family until the mid-19th century when it was sold to the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield. It continued to serve as a residence for various ministers and their families until the early 20th century.



Over the years, the Caldwell Parsonage House has gained a reputation for being haunted. Many visitors and residents have reported experiencing paranormal phenomena within its walls. Here are some of the reported hauntings associated with the house.



The Ghost of Hannah Caldwell

One of the most well-known hauntings is attributed to the ghost of Hannah Caldwell, the wife of Reverend James Caldwell. According to legend, Hannah was shot and killed by a British soldier during the Revolutionary War while seeking refuge in the parsonage. Her apparition has been reported in and around the house, often accompanied by the sound of a woman’s cries or footsteps.




Strange Noises and Apparitions

Visitors and residents have reported hearing unexplained footsteps, doors opening and closing on their own, and disembodied voices within the house. Some have claimed to see shadowy figures or full apparitions moving through the rooms.

Cold Spots and Temperature Changes

Cold spots, sudden drops in temperature, and feelings of being watched or touched have been frequently reported by people visiting the parsonage. These phenomena are often associated with paranormal activity.

Poltergeist Activity

There have been accounts of objects moving or being displaced without any apparent cause. Furniture rearranging itself, doors slamming shut, and items mysteriously falling from shelves have been reported.

It’s important to note that while these hauntings have been widely reported, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of paranormal activity in the Caldwell Parsonage House. However, the stories and experiences shared by numerous witnesses have contributed to its reputation as a haunted location. The house continues to attract paranormal enthusiasts and curious visitors interested in exploring its alleged supernatural occurrences.